Profession desalination technician

Desalination technicians operate, monitor and maintain desalination plant equipment. They ensure compliance with legal regulations and safety and health requirements.

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Personality Type


  • Write work-related reports

    Compose work-related reports that support effective relationship management and a high standard of documentation and record keeping. Write and present results and conclusions in a clear and intelligible way so they are comprehensible to a non-expert audience.

  • Maintain desalination control system

    Maintain a system to obtain potable water from saline water.

  • Present reports

    Display results, statistics and conclusions to an audience in a transparent and straightforward way.

  • Perform water testing procedures

    Conduct testing procedures on water quality, such as pH tests and dissolved solids. Understand instrumentation drawings.

  • Maintain records of mining operations

    Maintain records of mine production and development performance, including performance of machinery.

  • Manage desalination control system

    Manage a system for the removal of salt in order to obtain potable water.

  • Troubleshoot

    Identify operating problems, decide what to do about it and report accordingly.

  • Collect samples

    Set up and operate equipment to collect water, gas or soil samples for testing.

  • Work ergonomically

    Apply ergonomy principles in the organisation of the workplace while manually handling equipment and materials.

Optional knowledge and skills

chemistry electricity conduct inter-shift communication mechanics train employees perform minor repairs to equipment

Source: Sisyphus ODB