Profession deputy head teacher

Deputy head teachers support the management duties of their school's principals and are part of the school's administrative staff. They update the head teacher on the daily operations and developments of the school. They implement and follow up on school guidelines, policies and curriculum activities introduced by the specific head teacher. They enforce school board protocol, supervise students and maintain discipline.

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Personality Type


  • Pedagogy

    The discipline that concerns the theory and practice of education including the various instructional methods for educating individuals or groups.

  • Curriculum standards

    The governmental policies concerning educational curricula and the approved curricula from specific educational institutions.

  • Curriculum objectives

    The goals identified in curricula and defined learning outcomes.

  • Project management

    Understand project management and the activities which comprise this area. Know the variables implied in project management such as time, resources, requirements, deadlines, and responding to unexpected events.

  • Education administration

    The processes related to the administrative areas of an education institution, its director, employees, and students.

  • Education law

    The area of law and legislation that concerns education policies and the people working in the sector in an (inter)national context, such as teachers, students, and administrators.


  • Cooperate with education professionals

    Communicate with teachers or other professionals working in education in order to identify needs and areas of improvement in education systems, and to establish a collaborative relationship.

  • Present reports

    Display results, statistics and conclusions to an audience in a transparent and straightforward way.

  • Provide education management support

    Support the management of an education institution by directly assisting in the managerial duties or by providing information and guidance from your area of expertise to simplify the managerial tasks.

  • Maintain students' discipline

    Make sure students follow the rules and code of behaviour established in the school and take the appropriate measures in case of violation or misbehaviour.

  • Write work-related reports

    Compose work-related reports that support effective relationship management and a high standard of documentation and record keeping. Write and present results and conclusions in a clear and intelligible way so they are comprehensible to a non-expert audience.

  • Monitor educational developments

    Monitor the changes in educational policies, methodologies and research by reviewing relevant literature and liaising with education officials and institutions.

  • Assist in the organisation of school events

    Provide assistance in the planning and organisation of school events, such as the school's open house day, a sports game or a talent show.

  • Communicate with youth

    Use verbal and non-verbal communication and communicate through writing, electronic means, or drawing. Adapt your communication to children and young people`s age, needs, characteristics, abilities, preferences, and culture.

  • Supervise educational staff

    Monitor and evaluate the actions of the educational staff such as teaching or research assistants and teachers and their methods. Mentor, train, and give advice to them if necessary.

  • Guarantee students' safety

    Ensure all students falling under an instructor or other person’s supervision are safe and accounted for. Follow safety precautions in the learning situation.

  • Provide feedback to teachers

    Communicate with the teacher in order to provide them with detailed feedback on their teaching performance, class management and curriculum adherence.

Optional knowledge and skills

primary school procedures promote education programmes contract law advise on lesson plans liaise with board members manage government-funded programmes manage contracts maintain relations with children's parents kindergarten school procedures analyse staff capacity develop professional network prepare youths for adulthood manage budgets manage student admissions assess the development of youth learning technologies escort students on a field trip lead inspections advise on teaching methods show an exemplary leading role in an organisation evaluate education programmes apply for government funding secondary school procedures labour legislation create a financial report funding methods assessment processes monitor student's behaviour

Source: Sisyphus ODB