Profession dating service consultant

Dating service consultants provide support to clients in searching and finding a partner and setting up the date. They provide personalised advice to help clients meet their dating objectives. They also work in the virtual environment where they assist the online users in managing personal profiles, sending messages, and making connections.

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Personality Type


  • Sexology

    The characteristics and evolution of human sexual activity, sexual orientation and the sexual relationship for various group types such as teenagers, elderly or disabled people.


  • Set up dates

    Arrange dates for clients with people they have chosen themselves, people that were the result of match-making tests or people suggested by the consultant.

  • Use consulting techniques

    Advise clients in different personal or professional matters.

  • Maintain relationship with customers

    Build a lasting and meaningful relationship with customers in order to ensure satisfaction and fidelity by providing accurate and friendly advice and support, by delivering quality products and services and by supplying after-sales information and service.

  • Listen actively

    Give attention to what other people say, patiently understand points being made, asking questions as appropriate, and not interrupting at inappropriate times; able to listen carefully the needs of customers, clients, passengers, service users or others, and provide solutions accordingly.

  • Match people

    Compare profiles of clients to see whether they have similar interests or have characteristics that would be a good match. Select the best matches and get people into contact with each other.

  • Advise on dating

    Give clients tips on how to approach someone and how to behave on dates, make suggestions on what to wear and which activities are popular or original to do on a date.

  • Profile people

    Create a profile of someone, by outlining this person's characteristics, personality, skills and motives, often by the use of information obtained from an interview or questionnaire.

  • Maintain customer service

    Keep the highest possible customer service and make sure that the customer service is at all times performed in a professional way. Help customers or participants feel at ease and support special requirements.

  • Give advice on personal matters

    Advise people on love and marriage issues, business and job opportunities, health or other personal aspects.

  • Promote human rights

    Promote and respect human rights and diversity in light of the physical, psychological, spiritual and social needs of autonomous individuals, taking into account their opinions, beliefs and values, and the international and national codes of ethics, as well as the ethical implications of healthcare provision, ensuring their right to privacy and honouring for the confidentiality of healthcare information.

  • Identify customer's needs

    Use appropriate questions and active listening in order to identify customer expectations, desires and requirements according to product and services.

  • Develop professional network

    Reach out to and meet up with people in a professional context. Find common ground and use your contacts for mutual benefit. Keep track of the people in your personal professional network and stay up to date on their activities.

  • Assess character

    Assess how a certain person will react, verbally or physically, in a specific situation or to a specific happening.

  • Teach communication to clients

    Provide clients with tips on how to communicate verbally and non-verbally and teach them the appropriate etiquette for different kinds of situations. Help clients attain more effective, clearer or more diplomatic communication skills.

Optional knowledge and skills

apply company policies maintain professional administration manage a small-to-medium business perform lectures advise on online dating organise training manage tests document interviews use personality tests keep personal administration assist clients with special needs interview people perform dating coaching apply knowledge of human behaviour psychology administer appointments teach fashion to clients use different communication channels

Source: Sisyphus ODB