Profession curator of horticulture

Curators of horticulture develop and maintain the botanical collections, exhibits and landscapes of a botanical garden.

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Personality Type

Related professions support services (internal)

  • Advertising clerk
  • Advertising department manager
  • Bookkeeper
  • Buyer
  • Buyer agricultural products
  • Buyer technical products
  • Cartographer
  • Catering worker
  • Cleaning supervisor
  • Cost estimator
  • Education administrator
  • Financial department manager
  • Fundraiser
  • Handyman
  • IT user support technician
  • Land surveyor
  • Logistics worker
  • Marketing department manager
  • Marketing professional
  • Personnel department manager
  • Personnel planning clerk
  • Production or operations manager
  • Public relations department manager
  • Public relations officer, advisor
  • Purchasing department manager
  • Receptionist, telephonist
  • Sailor
  • Sales department manager
  • Sales representative
  • Sales representative agricultural products
  • Sales representative technical products
  • Sales representative, all other products
  • Technical illustrator
  • Transport clerk
  • Transport scheduling clerk
  • Writer of technical texts


  • Advertising techniques

    The communication strategies intended to persuade or encourage an audience, and the different media which are used to achieve this goal.

  • Horticulture principles

    The standard horticultural practices, including but not limited to planting, pruning, corrective pruning, and fertilisation.

  • Collection management software

    Be familiar with specialised collection management software used to document and keep record of the museum collection.

  • Collection management

    The process of resource evaluation, selection and life-cycle planning to create and promote a coherent collection in line with the developing needs of the users or customers. Understanding legal deposit for long-term access to publications.

  • Horticultural design

    Design of horticultural areas taking into account factors, such as climate and microclimates, topography and orientation, site drainage and groundwater recharge, municipal and resource building codes, soils and irrigation, human and vehicular access and circulation, etc.  

  • Botany

    The taxonomy or classification of plant life, phylogeny and evolution, anatomy and morphology, and physiology.

  • Ecology

    The study of how organisms interact and their relation to the ambient environment.

  • Biology

    Tissues, cells, and functions of plant and animal organisms and their interdependencies and interactions with each other and the environment.


  • Keep task records

    Organise and classify records of prepared reports and correspondence related to the performed work and progress records of tasks.

  • Identify plants characteristics

    Identify and classify crop characteristics. Be able to recognise different types of bulbs by name, graded sizes, field markings and stock markings.

  • Advise on acquisitions

    Investigate acquisition options, compare them and give advice.

  • Conduct workplace audits

    Conduct work site audits and inspections in order to ensure compliance with rules and regulations.

  • Manage ground maintenance

    Plan and direct the work of ground maintenance workers and units and maintain all natural areas.

  • Manage contracts

    Negotiate the terms, conditions, costs and other specifications of a contract while making sure they comply with legal requirements and are legally enforceable. Oversee the execution of the contract, agree on and document any changes.

  • Manage operational budgets

    Prepare, monitor and adjust operational budgets together with the economical/administrative manager/professionals in the arts institute/unit/project.

  • Manage database

    Apply database design schemes and models, define data dependencies, use query languages and database management systems (DBMS) to develop and manage databases.

Optional knowledge and skills

respond to enquiries advise on tree issues educate public on fire safety forest ecology forest conservation educate the public about wildlife educate people about nature support volunteers

Source: Sisyphus ODB