Profession countryside officer

Countryside officers are responsible for a range of activities that manage and maintain the natural environment and associated public access and recreation. They encourage visitors to open spaces/the countryside, promote awareness of the natural environment and protect and preserve the open space/countryside for future enjoyment.

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Personality Type


  • Plant species

    The variety of plants, trees and shrubs and their special characteristics. 

  • Plant disease control

    Types and features of diseases in plants and crops. Different kinds control methods, activities using conventional or biological methods taking into account the type of plant or crop, environmental and climate conditions and health and safety regulations. Storage and handling of products.

  • Animal species

    The characteristics of different species and breeds of animals (relevant to the occupation).

  • Natural areas maintenance

    The methods to maintain the assets (both natural and constructed) of natural areas, including program development and implementation.

  • Environmental legislation in agriculture and forestry

    Awareness on enviromental legislation, policies, principles relevant for agriculture and forestry. Awareness of the impact on the enviroment of local agricultural precedures and practices. Means to adjust the production to new enviromental regulations and policies.

  • Pest control in plants

    Types and features of pests in plants and crops. Different kinds of pest control methods, activities using conventional or biological methods taking into account the type of plant or crop, environmental and climate conditions and health and safety regulations. Storage and handling of products.

  • Characteristics of plants

    The varieties, characteristics and structural and functional features of plants, depending on their habitat.


  • Estimate costs in farm

    Provide cost analysis for relevant solutions and proposed actions taking into account the farm type and long term planning principles.

  • Plant green plants

    Plant seeds manually or by using ground equipment.

  • Advise on fertiliser and herbicide

    Ability to advise on fertilisers and herbicides when and where needed.

  • Operate landscaping equipment

    Operate a variety of landscaping equipment such as chain saws, line trimmers, tillers, back hoes, bobcats, bed edgers, mowers, blowers, dump trailers, tillers, sod cutters, weed eaters, plant augers, and drills.

  • Perform weed control operations

    Carry out crop spraying for weeds and plant disease operations in line with national industry and customer requirements.

  • Ensure aquaculture personnel health and safety

    Make sure that health and safety procedures have been established and followed across all aquaculture facilities including cages. Ensure that personnel and general public are instructed and all work activities are carried out according to relevant health and safety regulations.

  • Prepare planting area

    Prepare planting area and soil for planting by for example fertilising, mulching by hand or using mechanical tools or machinery; prepare seeds and plants for sowing and planting by ensuring the quality of seed and plants.Sow and plant by hand, using mechanical tools or machinery and in accordance with national legislation.

  • Maintain technical equipment

    Maintain an inventory of cultivation equipment and supplies. Order additional materials as needed.

  • Build fences

    Put up fences using a pothole digger, shovel, tamper, and other manual tools.

  • Execute disease and pest control activities

    Execute disease and pest control activities using conventional or biological methods taking into account the climate, plant or crop type, health and safety and environmental regulations. Store and handle pesticides in accordance with recomandation and legislation.

  • Read maps

    Read maps effectively.

  • Assess hazards implied in tree operations

    Evaluate risks and hazards, perform efficient actions in order to minimize risks and to restore the trees to their orginal state or to replant new ones.

  • Supervise crop production

    Supervise and analyse overall crop production in order to ensure effective production process, taking into account the environmental regulations.

  • Operate turf management equipment

    Operate turf management equipment like hedge cutters, mowers and strimmers.

  • Lead a team in forestry services

    Direct a forestry team or crew and guide them to the common goal of completing a variety of forestry related assignments and tasks.

  • Manage budgets

    Plan, monitor and report on the budget.

  • Conserve natural resources

    Protect waters and natural resources and coordinate actions. Work with environmental agencies and resource management personnel.

  • Perform pest control

    Carry out crop spraying pest and disease operations in line with National industry and customer requirements. Carry out slurry and fertiliser spreading in accordance with local environmental regulations

  • Develop natural areas works programmes

    Develop, implement and review natural areas works program (service delivery) to enable completion within allocated resources and timeframes.

  • Build garden masonry

    Create types of masonry specific for gardens such as walls and stairs.

  • Identify plants characteristics

    Identify and classify crop characteristics. Be able to recognise different types of bulbs by name, graded sizes, field markings and stock markings.

  • Manage collected waste

    Move the collected debris and waste to the designated collection point and dispose it according to legal and organisational requirements.

  • Operate horticulture equipment

    Operate horticultural equipment and assist with servicing. Ensure that vehicles are roadworthy before starting the work.

  • Manage staff

    Manage employees and subordinates, working in a team or individually, to maximise their performance and contribution. Schedule their work and activities, give instructions, motivate and direct the workers to meet the company objectives. Monitor and measure how an employee undertakes their responsibilities and how well these activities are executed. Identify areas for improvement and make suggestions to achieve this. Lead a group of people to help them achieve goals and maintain an effective working relationship among staff.

Optional knowledge and skills

fire-fighting systems soil structure forest ecology perform cleaning activities in an outdoor environment seed the ground conduct land surveys think analytically develop forestry strategies waste management use a computer manage waste support volunteers make independent operating decisions plant harvest methods harvest crop apply forest legislation maintain turf and grass manage time in forestry

Source: Sisyphus ODB