Profession correctional services manager

Correctional services managers manage the operations of a correctional facility. They supervise personnel, develop and oversee correctional procedures, and ensure the operation is compliant with legal regulations. They perform administrative duties and facilitate cooperation with external institutions and staff providing aid to the facility.

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Personality Type


  • Legal use-of-force

    The characteristics of the use-of-force, which is a legal doctrine employed by police and army forces, to regulate acts of violence during interventions. Use-of-force is ought to balance security needs with ethical concerns for the rights and well-being of intruders or suspects.

  • Correctional procedures

    Tthe legal regulations and policies concerning the operations of correctional facilities, and other correctional procedures.

  • Law enforcement

    The different organisations involved in law enforcement, as well as the laws and regulations in law enforcement procedures.


  • Manage budgets

    Plan, monitor and report on the budget.

  • Manage staff

    Manage employees and subordinates, working in a team or individually, to maximise their performance and contribution. Schedule their work and activities, give instructions, motivate and direct the workers to meet the company objectives. Monitor and measure how an employee undertakes their responsibilities and how well these activities are executed. Identify areas for improvement and make suggestions to achieve this. Lead a group of people to help them achieve goals and maintain an effective working relationship among staff.

  • Contribute to the formulation of correctional procedures

    Contribute to the formulation of regulations and procedures concerning the operations of correctional facilities.

  • Manage security clearance

    Manage the systems and monitor the functioning of the security clearance system and staff working to ensure security of the facility, to ensure no non-authorised individuals acquire access and to monitor potential risks and threats.

  • Comply with legal regulations

    Ensure you are properly informed of the legal regulations that govern a specific activity and adhere to its rules, policies and laws.

  • Identify security threats

    Identify security threats during investigations, inspections, or patrols, and perform the necessary actions to minimise or neutralise the threat.

  • Supervise correctional procedures

    Supervise the operations of a correctional facility or other correctional procedures, ensuring that they are compliant with legal regulations, and ensure that the staff complies with regulations and aims to improve the facility's efficiency and safety.

  • Undertake inspections

    Undertake safety inspections in areas of concern to identify and report potential hazards or security breaches; take measures to maximise safety standards.

  • Delegate activities

    Delegate activities and tasks to others according to the ability, level of preparation, competence and legal scope of practice. Make sure that people understand what they should do and when they should do it.

  • Maintain operational communications

    Maintain communications between different departments of an organisation, between the staff, or during specific operations or missions, to ensure that the operation or mission is successful, or that the organisation functions smoothly.

Optional knowledge and skills

criminology ensure information security ensure law application maintain logbooks apply knowledge of human behaviour set organisational policies maintain professional records criminal law represent the organisation manage emergency procedures recruit employees write work-related reports advise on risk management show responsibility train employees coordinate patrols conduct public presentations

Source: Sisyphus ODB