Profession construction painter

Maintenance painters and related workers prepare surfaces of buildings and other structures for painting, apply protective and decorative coats of paint or similar materials, or cover interior walls and ceilings of buildings with wallpaper or other finishes.

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Personality Type

Related professions painting, scaffolding

  • Building painter-decorator
  • Construction spray-painter
  • House painter
  • Painter or plasterer helper
  • Paperhanger
  • Scaffolder
  • Ship painter


  • Types of paint

    Varieties of paint and chemicals used in their composition.


  • Clean painting equipment

    Disassemble, clean, and reassemble paint sprayers and other vehicle painting equipment.

  • Prepare surface for painting

    Make sure the surface to be painted is free of scratches and dents. Assess the porosity of the wall and the need for coating. Remove any grease, dirt, moisture and traces of previous coverings.

  • Inspect construction supplies

    Check construction supplies for damage, moisture, loss or other problems before using the material.

  • Inspect paintwork

    Inspect a painted surface, either one recently painted or an old layer. Watch for dents, cracks, flaking, air bubbles, mould and other issues.

  • Interpret 3D plans

    Interpret and understand plans and drawings in manufacturing processes which include representations in three dimensions.

  • Remove paint

    Remove paint by using chemical strippers, a heat gun, sanding or scraping the surface.

  • Interpret 2D plans

    Interpret and understand plans and drawings in manufacturing processes which include representations in two dimensions.

  • Snap chalk line

    Stretch a line covered in fine, non-staining chalk between two points and snap it against a surface to produce a straight line.

  • Paint surfaces

    Use brushes and rollers to apply a coat of paint to a prepared surface evenly and without leaving drops.

  • Follow health and safety procedures in construction

    Apply the relevant health and safety procedures in construction in order to prevent accidents, pollution and other risks.

  • Work safely with chemicals

    Take the necessary precautions for storing, using and disposing chemical products.

  • Work ergonomically

    Apply ergonomy principles in the organisation of the workplace while manually handling equipment and materials.

  • Transport construction supplies

    Bring construction materials, tools and equipment to the construction site and store them properly taking various aspects into account such as the workers' safety and protection from deterioration.

  • Use safety equipment in construction

    Use elements of protective clothing such as steel-tipped shoes, and gear such as protective goggles, in order to minimise risk of accidents in construction and to mitigate any injury if an accident does occur.

  • Sand between coats

    Smoothen the surface of a workpiece by sanding it in between applying coats in order to obtain a clear, stronger coat.

  • Use measurement instruments

    Use different measurement instruments depending on the property to be measured. Utilise various instruments to measure length, area, volume, speed, energy, force, and others.

  • Dispose of hazardous waste

    Dispose of dangerous materials such as chemical or radioactive substances according to environmental and to health and safety regulations.

  • Dispose of non-hazardous waste

    Dispose of waste materials which pose no risk to health and safety in a manner which complies with recycling and waste management procedures.

  • Follow safety procedures when working at heights

    Take necessary precautions and follow a set of measures that assess, prevent and tackle risks when working at a high distance from the ground. Prevent endangering people working under these structures and avoid falls from ladders, mobile scaffolding, fixed working bridges, single person lifts etc. since they may cause fatalities or major injuries.

  • Protect surfaces during construction work

    Cover floors, ceiling, skirting boards and any other surfaces with various materials such as plastic or textile to keep them from being damaged or stained when performing construction or renovation work like painting or plastering.

Optional knowledge and skills

maintain equipment monitor stock level process incoming construction supplies answer requests for quotation operate rust proofing spray gun paint with a paint gun work in a construction team use sander keep personal administration build scaffolding calculate needs for construction supplies mix paint maintain work area cleanliness blast surface keep records of work progress advise on construction materials set up temporary construction site infrastructure install construction profiles order construction supplies recognise signs of corrosion

Source: Sisyphus ODB