Profession civil enforcement officer

Civil enforcement officers patrol the streets to enforce parking restrictions, ensure a free flow of traffic is maintained, ensure the safety of pedestrians, and ensure traffic and parking laws are complied with. They aid with the combating of crime and crime reduction by providing assistance during incidents and providing patrol services.

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Personality Type


  • Local geography

    The range of physical and geographical properties and descriptions of a local area, by street names and not only.

  • Parking regulations

    The up-to-date regulations and enforcement procedures in parking activities.

  • Road traffic laws

    Understand road traffic laws and the rules of the road.

  • Law enforcement

    The different organisations involved in law enforcement, as well as the laws and regulations in law enforcement procedures.


  • Escort pedestrians across streets

    Help pedestrians who have difficulties crossing streets across the street, stopping traffic if necessary.

  • Patrol areas

    Patrol a designated area, watch out for and respond to suspicious and dangerous situations, and communicate with emergency response organisations.

  • Use different communication channels

    Make use of various types of communication channels such as verbal, handwritten, digital and telephonic communication with the purpose of constructing and sharing ideas or information.

  • Ensure law application

    Ensure the laws are followed, and where they are broken, that the correct measures are taken to ensure compliance to the law and law enforcement.

  • Issue fines

    Recognise a violation in legislation, and issue the appropriate fine to the offender compliant with regulations and ensuring the person is aware of the specific violation they performed.

  • Assist emergency services

    Assist the police and emergency services where needed.

  • Regulate traffic

    Regulate the flow of traffic by using assigned hand signals, assisting travellers on the road, and aiding people to cross the street.

  • Monitor traffic flow

    Monitor the traffic that passes by a certain point, like for instance a pedestrian crossing. Monitor the amount of vehicles, the speed at which they go by and the interval between the passing by of two successive cars.

  • Comply with legal regulations

    Ensure you are properly informed of the legal regulations that govern a specific activity and adhere to its rules, policies and laws.

  • Interpret traffic signals

    Observe lights on the road, road conditions, nearby traffic, and prescribed speed limits to ensure safety. Interpret traffic signals and act accordingly.

Optional knowledge and skills

handle conflicts legal use-of-force write work-related reports identify security threats undertake inspections apply knowledge of human behaviour provide testimony in court hearings deal with aggressive behaviour record license plates of violators traffic signs stop speeding vehicles first response respond to enquiries react calmly in stressful situations stay alert work in shifts inform drivers of detour routes follow given instructions apply first response instruct public liaise with managers report unsafe behaviour manage major incidents educate public on road safety ensure public safety and security provide first aid use signalling equipment tolerate stress practice vigilance ensure compliance with types of weapons check official documents perform risk analysis write signalling reports

Source: Sisyphus ODB