Profession cigar brander

Cigar branders tend machines that stamp brands on cigar wrappers. They keep machines supplied with all the required input material and observe that processes do not jam. They clean ink rollers preventively.

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Personality Type


  • Manufacturing of smoked tobacco products

    The processes, materials, and techniques to manufacture different types of smoked tobacco products such as cigars, fine cut tobacco, pipe tobacco, and cigarettes.

  • Quality prototype of a tobacco leaf

    Characteristics and properties of a tobacco leaf to grade and consider it of high, medium, or low quality product taking into account colour variations, tears, tar spots, tight grain, and size of the leaf.

  • Crafting

    The ability to work with the hands in order to create something artistic.


  • Mark differences in colours

    Identify differences between colours, such as shades of colour.

  • Apply GMP

    Apply regulations regarding manufacture of food and food safety compliance. Employ food safety procedures based on Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP).

  • Tend cigar stamp machine

    Tend machine that prints on cigar wrapper. Fill ink well on machine or place pre-manufacture labels to be placed in the cigar.

  • Work in conveyor belts in food manufacturing

    Work in rotating conveyor belt systems in food manufacturing.

  • Apply requirements concerning manufacturing of food and beverages

    Apply and follow national, international, and internal requirements quoted in standards, regulations and other specifications related with manufacturing of food and beverages.

  • Use hand tools to make tobacco products

    Use a wide range of hand tools to produce tailored or artisanal tobacco products such as cigars or cigarettes. Use tools such as blades, board with tuckers, tuck moulders, cigar moulds, presses, and packagers.

  • Check quality of products on the production line

    Check products for quality on the production line and remove defective items before and after packaging.

  • Measure precise food processing operations

    Carry out accurately measured assignments with suitable tools and equipment in the process of producing food and beverages.

  • Apply HACCP

    Apply regulations regarding manufacture of food and food safety compliance. Employ food safety procedures based on Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP).

  • Collect final tobacco product

    Collect finished tobacco products such as cigars or cigarettes. Place trays at delivery end of machine to catch branded products and remove filled trays. Ensure the integrity and quality of the product.

  • Carry out checks of production plant equipment

    Carry out checks of the machinery and equipment used in the production plant. Ensure that the machinery is working properly, set machines before usage, and assure continuous operability of the equipment.

  • Perform cleaning duties

    Perform cleaning duties such as waste removal, vacuuming, emptying bins, and general cleaning of the working area. Cleaning activities should follow health and safety regulations if required.

  • Position tobacco products in machines

    Position the tobacco products on the conveyor leading into the machine. Start the machine to place the brand or stamp on them. Take care that the quality of the product and the leaves are not damaged in the process.

  • Stock tobacco products machines with materials

    Stock machine with materials for production of tobacco products. Take care to provide adequate quantities of paper, filters, glue, and other materials to achieve the daily production plan.

  • Monitor machine operations

    Observe machine operations and evaluate product quality thereby ensuring conformity to standards.

Optional knowledge and skills

history of tobacco tobacco products perform detailed food processing operations identify market niches liaise with colleagues liaise with managers show confidence variety of tobacco leaves perform services in a flexible manner act reliably follow given instructions adapt efficient food processing practices work independently in service of a food production process

Source: Sisyphus ODB