Profession chief technology officer

Chief technology officers contribute to a company's technical vision and lead all aspects of technology development, according to its strategic direction and growth objectives. They match technology with business needs.

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Personality Type


  • ICT project management methodologies

    The methodologies or models for planning, managing and overseeing of ICT resources in order to meet specific goals, such methodologies are Waterfall, Incremental, V-Model, Scrum or Agile and using project management ICT tools.

  • Decision support systems

    The ICT systems that can be used to support business or organisational decision making.

  • ICT project management

    The methodologies for the planning, implementation, review and follow-up of ICT projects, such as the development, integration, modification and sales of ICT products and services, as well as projects relating technological innovation in the field of ICT.


  • Monitor ICT research

    Survey and investigate recent trends and developments in ICT research. Observe and anticipate mastery evolution.

  • Optimise choice of ICT solution

    Select the appropriate solutions in the field of ICT while taking into account potential risks, benefits and overall impact.

  • Lead technology development of an organisation

    Develop activities surrounding innovation and research in the field of technology within an organisation based on its strategic direction and growth goals. Provide guidance to colleagues how to best implement them.

  • Analyse ICT system

    Study the activity and performance of information systems in order to model their usage and weaknesses, specify purpose, architecture and services and discover operations and procedures for accomplishing them most efficiently.

  • Monitor technology trends

    Survey and investigate recent trends and developments in technology. Observe and anticipate their evolution, according to current or future market and business conditions.

  • Administer ICT system

    Handle components of ICT system by maintaining configuration, managing users, monitoring resource use, performing backups and installing hardware or software to comply with the set requirements.

  • Coordinate technological activities

    Give instructions to colleagues and other cooperating parties in order to reach the desired outcome of a technological project or achieve set goals within an organisation dealing with technology.

  • Utilise decision support system

    Use the available ICT systems that can be used to support business or organisational decision making.

  • Review development process of an organisation

    Judge, review and decide on directions of innovation and development processes in an organisation in order to improve efficiency and reduce costs.

  • Carry out strategic research

    Research long term possibilities for improvements and plan steps to achieve them.

  • Ensure adherence to organisational ICT standards

    Guarantee that the state of events is in accordance with the ICT rules and procedures described by an organisation for their products, services and solutions.

  • Manage budgets

    Plan, monitor and report on the budget.

  • Implement ICT coding conventions

    Apply guidelines for ICT programming techniques, such as conventions, code design patterns and practices to achieve higher security, reliability, better readability and maintenance of the product.

  • Define technology strategy

    Create an overall plan of objectives, practices, principles and tactics related to the use of technologies within an organisation and describe the means to reach the objectives.

  • Maintain plan for continuity of operations

    Update methodology which contains steps to ensure that facilities of an organisation are able to continue operating, in case of broad range of unforeseen events.

  • Implement corporate governance

    Apply a set of principles and mechanisms by which an organisation is managed and directed, set procedures of information, control flow and decision making, distribute rights and responsibilities among departments and individuals, set corporate objectives and monitor and evaluate actions and results.

Optional knowledge and skills

process-based management abap cobol ict infrastructure ml (computer programming) php haskell javascript business strategy concepts hardware components suppliers perl assembly (computer programming) build business relationships apl matlab c# java (computer programming) ajax lisp sap r3 common lisp groovy scala lean project management hardware components objective-c python (computer programming) scratch (computer programming) agile project management computer programming smalltalk (computer programming) prolog (computer programming) perform business analysis ruby (computer programming) maintain relationship with customers typescript ensure information privacy r software components suppliers coffeescript erlang business intelligence internet governance openedge advanced business language scientific research methodology pascal (computer programming) information structure software components libraries sas language oversee development of software visual studio .net microsoft visual c++ vbscript swift (computer programming) c++ ict quality policy ict communications protocols

Source: Sisyphus ODB