Profession case administrator

Case administrators supervise the progress of criminal and civil cases from the point of opening to closing. They review the case files and case progression to ensure proceedings occur compliant with legislation. They also ensure the proceedings occur in a timely manner and that everything has been concluded before closing cases.

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Personality Type


  • Legal terminology

    The special terms and phrases used in the field of law.

  • Legal research

    The methods and procedures of research in legal matters, such as the regulations, and different approaches to analyses and source gathering, and the knowledge on how to adapt the research methodology to a specific case to obtain the required information.

  • Legal case management

    The procedures of a legal case from opening to closing, such as the documentation that needs to be prepared and handled, the people involved in different stages of the case, and the requirements that need to be met before the case can be closed.

  • Civil process order

    The legal procedures and standards that courts follow in civil lawsuits.


  • Write work-related reports

    Compose work-related reports that support effective relationship management and a high standard of documentation and record keeping. Write and present results and conclusions in a clear and intelligible way so they are comprehensible to a non-expert audience.

  • Observe confidentiality

    Observe the set of rules establishing the nondisclosure of information except to another authorised person.

  • Supervise legal case procedures

    Supervise the procedures conducted during or after a legal case to ensure that everything occurred compliant with legal regulations, that the case is finished before closing, and to verify whether no mistakes have been made and all necessary steps were undertaken during the progression of the case from start to closing.

  • Ensure proper document management

    Guarantee that the tracking and recording standards and rules for document management are followed, such as ensuring that changes are identified, that documents remain readable and that obsoleted documents are not used.

  • Manage administrative systems

    Ensure administrative systems, processes and databases are efficient and well managed and give the sound basis to work together with the administrative officer/staff/professional.

  • Compile legal documents

    Compile and collect legal documents from a specific case in order to aid an investigation or for a court hearing, in a manner compliant with legal regulations and ensuring records are properly maintained.

  • Develop documentation in accordance with legal requirements

    Create professionally written content describing products, applications, components, functions or services in compliance with legal requirements and internal or external standards.

  • Comply with legal regulations

    Ensure you are properly informed of the legal regulations that govern a specific activity and adhere to its rules, policies and laws.

Optional knowledge and skills

law enforcement brief court officials court procedures correctional procedures document evidence record court procedures provide legal advice show responsibility interpret law manage accounts maintain operational communications respond to enquiries facilitate official agreement ensure information security use different communication channels accounting techniques

Source: Sisyphus ODB