Profession business service manager

Business service managers are reponsible for the provision of professional services to companies. They organise the provision of services tailored to the needs of the client and liaise with clients to agree on the contractual obligations for both parties.

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Personality Type


  • Office administration

    The paperwork processes related to the administrative areas of an office environment. The activities or processes may include financial planning, record keeping and billing and managing the general logistics of an organisation.

  • Strategic planning

    The elements defining the foundation and core of an organisation such as its mission, vision, values, and objectives.


  • Manage budgets

    Plan, monitor and report on the budget.

  • Develop business plans

    Plan, write and collaborate in the implement business plans. Include and foresee in the business plan the market strategy, the competitive analysis of the company, the design and the development of the plan, the operations and the management aspects and the financial forecast of the business plan.

  • Identify financial resources

    Estimate administrative and communication costs, artist fees according to existing applicable agreements, rental costs, and production costs.

  • Keep personal administration

    File and organise personal administration documents comprehensively.

  • Make strategic business decisions

    Analyse business information and consult directors for decision making purposes in a varied array of aspects affecting the prospect, productivity and sustainable operation of a company. Consider the options and alternatives to a challenge and make sound rational decisions based on analysis and experience.

  • Implement strategic management

    Implement a strategy for the development and transformation of the company. Strategic management involves the formulation and implementation of the major objectives and initiatives of a company by senior management on behalf of the owners, based on consideration of available resources and an assessment of the internal and external environments in which the organisation operates.

  • Consult with business clients

    Communicate with clients of a business or business project in order to introduce new ideas, obtain feedback, and find solutions to problems.

  • Maintain professional administration

    File and organise professional administration documents comprehensively, keep customer records, fill in forms or log books and prepare documents about company-related matter.

  • Programme work according to incoming orders

    Schedule tasks based on incoming work; anticipate the total amount of resources required to complete the work and assign them accordingly. Assess the required working hours, pieces of equipment, and workforce needed taking into account the available resources.

  • Maintain contract administration

    Keep contracts up to date and organise them according to a classification system for future consultation.

  • Write work-related reports

    Compose work-related reports that support effective relationship management and a high standard of documentation and record keeping. Write and present results and conclusions in a clear and intelligible way so they are comprehensible to a non-expert audience.

  • Manage administrative systems

    Ensure administrative systems, processes and databases are efficient and well managed and give the sound basis to work together with the administrative officer/staff/professional.

  • Implement strategic planning

    Take action on the goals and procedures defined at a strategic level in order to mobilise resources and pursue the established strategies.

  • Identify clients' needs

    Identify the areas in which the client may require aid and investigate the possibilities for meeting those needs.

  • Ensure compliance with purchasing and contracting regulations

    Implement and monitor company activities in compliance with legal contracting and purchasing legislations.

  • Conclude business agreements

    Negotiate, revise, and sign mercantile and business documents such as contracts, business agreements, deeds, purchases and wills, and bills of exchange.

  • Identify necessary human resources

    Determine the number of employees needed for the realisation of a project and their allocation in the creation, production, communication or administration team.

Optional knowledge and skills

apply company policies promote facilities management services organisational policies negotiate sales contracts apply system organisational policies assist in developing practices for well being of employees facilities management in the organisation communication manage contracts communication principles company policies coach employees carry out strategic research manage staff negotiate service with providers control financial resources human resources department processes manage physical resources analyse staff capacity plan facilities management policies contract law

Source: Sisyphus ODB