Profession book editor

Book editors find manuscripts that can be published. They review texts from writers to evaluate the commercial potential or they ask writers to take on projects that the publishing company wishes to publish. Book editors maintain good relationships with writers.

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Personality Type


  • Literature

    The body of artistic writing characterized by beauty of expression, form, and universality of intellectual and emotional appeal.

  • Publishing market

    The trends in the publishing market and the type of books that are are appealing to a certain audience.

  • Copyright legislation

    Legislation describing the protection of the rights of original authors over their work, and how others can use it.


  • Assess financial viability

    Revise and analyse financial information and requirements of projects such as their budget appraisal, expected turnover, and risk assessment for determining the benefits and costs of the project. Assess if the agreement or project will redeem its investment, and whether the potential profit is worth the financial risk.

  • Develop professional network

    Reach out to and meet up with people in a professional context. Find common ground and use your contacts for mutual benefit. Keep track of the people in your personal professional network and stay up to date on their activities.

  • Suggest revision

    Suggest adaptations and revisions of manuscripts to authors to make the manuscript more appealing to the target audience.

  • Consult information sources

    Consult relevant information sources to find inspiration, to educate yourself on certain topics and to acquire background information.

  • Network within the writing industry

    Network with fellow writers and others involved in the writing industry, such as publishers, bookshop owners and organisers of literary events.

  • Implement marketing strategies

    Implement strategies which aim to promote a specific product or service, using the developed marketing strategies.

  • Read manuscripts

    Read incomplete or complete manuscripts from new or experienced authors.

  • Attend book fairs

    Attend fairs and events to get familiar with new book trends and to meet with authors, publishers, and others in the publishing sector.

  • Manage budgets

    Plan, monitor and report on the budget.

  • Provide support to authors

    Provide support and advice to authors during the whole creation process until the release of their book and maintain good relations with them.

  • Establish collaborative relations

    Establish a connection between organisations or individuals which may benefit from communicating with one another in order to facilitate an enduring positive collaborative relationship between both parties.

  • Select manuscripts

    Select manuscripts to be published. Decide if they reflect the company policy.

Optional knowledge and skills

rewrite manuscripts conserve new media apply grammar and spelling rules proofread text writing techniques manage contracts grammar analyse texts to be illustrated select illustration styles check correctness of information spelling apply desktop publishing techniques interpret illustration needs perform market research show diplomacy desktop publishing

Source: Sisyphus ODB