Profession biophysicist

Biophysicists study the existing relation between living organisms and physics. They conduct research on living organisms based on the methods of physics that aim to explain the complexity of life, predict patterns, and draw conclusions about aspects of life. Biophysicists' research fields cover DNA, proteins, molecules, cells, and environments.

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Personality Type


  • Protein

    The nutrients that provide living organisms with the energy to live and operate.

  • Scientific research methodology

    The theoretical methodology used in scientific research involving doing background research, constructing an hypothesis, testing it, analysing data and concluding the results.

  • Physics

    The natural science involving the study of matter, motion, energy, force and related notions.

  • Biology

    Tissues, cells, and functions of plant and animal organisms and their interdependencies and interactions with each other and the environment.


  • Conduct research on fauna

    Collect and analyse data about animal life in order to discover the basic aspects such as origin, anatomy, and function.

  • Analyse cell cultures

    Analyse cell cultures grown from tissue samples, performing also screening of the cervical smear to detect fertility issues.

  • Perform laboratory tests

    Carry out tests in a laboratory to produce reliable and precise data to support scientific research and product testing.

  • Analyse experimental laboratory data

    Analyse experimental data and interpret results to write reports and summaries of findings

  • Conduct research on flora

    Collect and analyse data about plants in order to discover their basic aspects such as origin, anatomy, and function.

  • Gather experimental data

    Collect data resulting from the application of scientific methods such as test methods, experimental design or measurements.

  • Apply scientific methods

    Apply scientific methods and techniques to investigate phenomena, by acquiring new knowledge or correcting and integrating previous knowledge.

  • Examine cell specimens microscopically

    Prepare and put the cell specimens received for examination on slides, stain and mark cellular changes and abnormalities.

Optional knowledge and skills

molecular biology biological chemistry apply statistical analysis techniques microbiology-bacteriology use measurement instruments collect samples for analysis write research proposals organic chemistry operate scientific measuring equipment execute analytical mathematical calculations collect biological data write scientific papers operate telescopes osteology virology calibrate laboratory equipment

Source: Sisyphus ODB