Profession automated assembly line operator

Automated assembly line operators operate, maintain and clean production machines. They are responsible for the assembly of a whole product or a part of a product. Automated assembly line operators perform all tasks in a production process via a rotation system.

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Personality Type


  • Manufacturing processes

    The steps required through which a material is transformed into a product, its development and full-scale manufacturing.


  • Set up machine controls

    Set up or adjust machine controls to regulate conditions such as material flow, temperature, or pressure.

  • Remove inadequate workpieces

    Evaluate which deficient processed workpieces do not meet the set-up standard and should be removed and sort the waste according to regulations.

  • Adjust manufacturing equipment

    Regulate and monitor the manufacturing equipment settings and process parameters, such as its temperature and power level. Review the manufacturing process and equipment and suggest improvements.

  • Perform machine maintenance

    Perform regular maintenance, possibly including corrections and alterations, on a machine or machine tool to ensure it remains in a proper productive state.

  • Apply assembly techniques

    Apply correct and up-to-date assembly methods in the production development process.

  • Maintain equipment

    Regularly inspect and perform all required activities to maintain the equipment in functional order prior or after its use.

  • Monitor conveyor belt

    Monitor the flow of the work pieces on the conveyor belt as they are processed by the machine to ensure optimal productivity.

  • Work in assembly line teams

    Manufacture products on a moving assembly line. Work in a team where everyone has an assigned task.

  • Monitor automated machines

    Continuously check up on the automated machine's set-up and execution or make regular control rounds. If necessary, record and interpret data on the operating conditions of installations and equipment in order to identify abnormalities.

  • Monitor moving workpiece in a machine

    Monitor the processing of a workpiece in motion, such as a piece of metal or wood moved linearly over a static manufacturing machine.

Optional knowledge and skills

develop assembly instructions quality and cycle time optimisation record production data for quality control supply machine work ergonomically mechanics perform test run verify product specifications consult technical resources report defective manufacturing materials keep records of work progress use personal protection equipment inspect quality of products perform loading and unloading operations send faulty equipment back to assembly line

Source: Sisyphus ODB