Profession aquaculture cage mooring worker

Aquaculture cage mooring workers operate highly-specialised equipment in order to moor cages in stable stations, drifting cages or even self-propelled and semi-submerged cages. 

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Personality Type


  • Health and safety in the workplace

    The body of rules, procdeures and regulations related to safety, health and welfare of people in their workplace. 

  • Rope manipulation

    Rope manipulation which relates to knotting and splicing.

  • Global Maritime Distress and Safety System

    The internationally agreed-upon set of safety procedures, types of equipment and communication protocols used to increase safety and make it easier to rescue distressed ships, boats and aircraft.

  • Health and safety measures in transportation

    The body of rules, procedures and regulations related to health and safety measures intended to prevent accidents or incidents in transportation.

  • Health and safety regulations

    Necessary health, safety, hygiene and environmental standards and legislation rules in the sector of particular activity.

  • Maritime meteorology

    The scientific field of study that interprets meteorological information and applies it to ensure the safety of marine traffic.


  • Prepare fishing equipment

    Dispose fishing gear and ship's deck for successful extraction activities. Coordinate the crew in this operation.

  • Collect biological data

    Collect biological specimens, record and summarise biological data for use in technical studies, developing environmental management plans and biological products.

  • Monitor feeding behaviour

    Monitor feeding behaviour of farm animals. Collect information on the growth of the animals, and forecast future growth. Monitor and assess biomass taking mortality into account.

  • Prepare for small craft operation

    Prepare for personnel operation of small craft, both with licence and without licence.

  • Prepare fish holding units

    Prepare fish holding units to receive fish. Conduct swim throughs.

  • Prepare fish harvesting equipment

    Prepare fish harvesting equipment and facilities for the efficient slaughter of the fish and subsequent storage.

  • Use water navigation devices

    Utilise water navigation devices, e.g. compass or sextant, or navigational aids such as lighthouses or buoys, radar, satellite, and computer systems, in order to navigate vessels on waterways. Work with recent charts/maps, notices, and publications in order to determine the precise position of a vessel.

  • Assess cage water quality

    Analyse the quality of water by monitoring the state of temperature and oxygen, among other parameters.

  • Communicate using the global maritime distress and safety system

    Send an alert in case of distress, using any of the various GMDSS radio systems such that the alert has a very high probability of being received by either shore rescue authorities and/or other vessels in the area.

  • Collect fish samples for diagnosis

    Collect fish and shellfish samples for diagnosis by fish diseases specialists.

  • Maintain nets

    Perform cage net changing and bird net repairing.

  • Operate small craft

    Operate small craft used for transport and feeding.

  • Operate emergency equipment

    Utilise emergency equipment and tools such as fire extinguishers, wheel chocks, pocket lamps, and warning signs.

  • Assist cage net changing

    Assist in cage net changing and bird net repairing.

  • Collect live fish

    ​Gather fish using techniques which minimise the stress caused to fish and avoid fish escapes occurring.

  • Manage cage nets

    Execute cleaning, drying and storage of removed cage nets.

  • Swim

    Move through water by means of the limbs.

  • Collect aquatic resources

    Collect spat and seaweed, as well as shellfish or any other aquatic animal (i.e. crustacean and echinoderms) or vegetable resource. Use the appropriate equipment depending on the species.

  • Maintain aquaculture cage equipment

    Ensure maintenance of aquaculture cage equipment, by carrying out tasks such as cleaning floats and arranging ropes in cages.

  • Clean the cage

    Efficiently clean the cage and perform dead fish removal from surface.

  • Transfer fish

    Transfer fully grown fish to a body of water, using a tank truck.

  • Carry out fish transportation

    Can manually lift, transfer, position and set down a load, using lifting gears such as forklifts, winches, sea cranes and others. Can operate equipment used in the transportation of fish, shellfish, crustaceans and others, such as trucks, tractors, trailers, conveyers, etc.

  • Have a high level of safety awareness

    Ensure high levels of safety awareness; use personal protection equipment; communicate with staff members and provide advice on health and safety issues.

  • Make time-critical decisions

    Pursue optimal time-critical decision making within the organisation.

  • Use aquaculture heavy equipment

    Perform manual operations such as manually lift, transfer position and set down a load. Operate lifting gear such as winch, sea crane, telescopic loader, and forklift.

  • Conduct water navigation

    Ensure that a vessel carries up to date and adequate charts and appropriate nautical documents. Lead the process of preparing the voyage report, the vessel passage plan, daily position reports, and the pilot's information sheet.

  • Stock fish into holding units

    Stock fish into holding units and maintain good environmental condition within the holding unit.

  • Keep time accurately

    Measure the passage of time, often with the assistance of a clock or stopwatch.

  • Conduct on board safety inspections

    Conduct on board safety inspections; identify and remove potential threats to the physical integrity of the ship crew.

  • Collect growth rate information

    Collect information on growth rate in farm aquatic species.

  • Perform lookout duties during maritime operations

    Maintain a watch during maritime operations, in order to anticipate events and potential hazards.

  • Collect dead fish

    Gather dead fish in recipients like tanks and cages.

  • Prepare fish treatment facilities

    Prepare fish treatment facilities to effectively isolate contaminated fish during treatment. Control the application of treatments to avoid contaminating other stock, containers and the wider environment.

  • Handle fish harvesting waste

    Dispose of waste, blood and inferior quality fish according to site waste management procedures.

  • Follow procedures in the event of an alarm

    Follow safety procedures in the event of an alarm; act according to company instructions and procedures.

Optional knowledge and skills

harvest aquatic resources fish grading fish welfare regulations maintain diving equipment work in a fishery team undertake continuous professional development in fishery operations perform fish grading operations manage personal professional development report to the team leader identify common aquatic species diseases work as a team perform diving interventions apply fish treatments manage spat collection equipment monitor treated fish identify support mechanisms to develop your professional practice fish identification and classification fish biology check diving equipment fish anatomy

Source: Sisyphus ODB