Profession aircraft fuel system operator

Aircraft fuel system operators maintain fuel distribution systems and ensure the refuelling of planes. 

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Personality Type


  • Fuel inventory methods

    Know various fuel inventory methods; know gauging procedures for fuel bladders using petroleum gauging stick.

  • Fuel distribution systems

    Know all aspects of fuel distribution systems and components such as pipeline systems, valves, pumps, filters, and fuel monitors.


  • Handle fuels

    Handle and store fuels and assess their potential risks and dangers.

  • Conduct aviation fuel servicing operations

    Perform refuelling and defueling activities, such as receiving fuel by tank truck or rail car, and preparing and checking documentation, in support of aviation refuelling objectives.

  • Conduct quality assurance inspections on fuel operations

    Obtain and visually inspect fuel samples, examine fuel tank water, temperature, and fuel levels to ensure the highest quality in operations.

  • Follow written instructions

    Follow written directions in order to perform a task or carry out a step-by-step procedure.

  • Show responsibility

    Accept responsibility and be accountable for professional decisions of yourself or others as part of a job or one's role.

  • Identify airport safety hazards

    Spot threats related to security at the airport and apply procedures to counteract them in a quick, safe, and efficient way.

  • Report on fuel distribution incidents

    Compose forms on the findings of pumping system temperature and water level checks etc.; produce reports detailing any problems or incidents that occurred.

  • Ensure maintenance of fuel distribution facilities

    Implement regular maintenance and safety programmes relating to all aspects of fuel distribution facility operations; demonstrate expertise in spill clean-up procedures, prevention and control measures, repair of fuel terminal systems, and implementation of preventive maintenance on these systems.

Optional knowledge and skills

perform manual work autonomously make numerical calculations

Source: Sisyphus ODB