Profession agricultural inspector

Agricultural inspectors monitor agricultural operations in farms and other agricultural facilities. They inspect activities such as health and safety measures, costs and production processes to ensure that workers and their activities comply with proper legislation and standards. Agricultural inspectors also analyse and report on their findings.

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Personality Type


  • Pollution prevention

    The processes used to prevent pollution: precautions to pollution of the environment, procedures to counter pollution and associated equipment, and possible measures to protect the environment.

  • Agricultural production principles

    Principles and conditions of organic and sustainable agricultural production.

  • Health, safety and hygiene legislation

    The set of health, safety and hygiene standards and items of legislation applicable in a specific sector.

  • Environmental legislation in agriculture and forestry

    Awareness on enviromental legislation, policies, principles relevant for agriculture and forestry. Awareness of the impact on the enviroment of local agricultural precedures and practices. Means to adjust the production to new enviromental regulations and policies.

  • Incidents and accidents recording

    The methods to report and record incidents and accidents in the workplace.

  • Agronomical production principles

    The techniques, methods and principles of conventional agronomical production.


  • Conduct environmental surveys

    Conduct surveys in order to collect information for analysis and management of environmental risks within an organisation or in a wider context.

  • Ensure compliance with legal requirements

    Guarantee compliance with established and applicable standards and legal requirements such as specifications, policies, standards or law for the goal that organisations aspire to achieve in their efforts.

  • Write work-related reports

    Compose work-related reports that support effective relationship management and a high standard of documentation and record keeping. Write and present results and conclusions in a clear and intelligible way so they are comprehensible to a non-expert audience.

  • Enforce sanitation procedures

    Ensure standards of sanitation and cleanliness essential to effective control of fungi and other parasites under intensive culture conditions. Obtain uncontaminated fish and eggs by strict sanitary procedures and avoidance of carrier fish. Supervise the isolation and identification of the agent with specific immune antiserum.

  • Follow up complaint reports

    Follow up complaints or accident reports in order to take adequate measures to solve problems. Contact the relevant authorities or internal staff to provide solutions in various situations.

  • Collect samples for analysis

    Collect samples of materials or products for laboratory analysis.

  • Identify hazards in the workplace

    Perform safety audits and inspections on workplaces and workplace equipment. Ensure that they meet safety regulations and identify hazards and risks.

  • Communicate health and safety measures

    Inform about applicable rules, guidelines and measures to avoid accidents and hazards in the workplace.

  • Monitor work site

    Regularly ensure that working conditions on site meet health and safety requirements; ensure that the proposed work will not pose a threat to the physical integrity of others.

  • Perform inspection analysis

    Investigate and report on inspection procedures, techniques, equipment and materials.

  • Analyse business processes

    Study the contribution of the work processes to the business goals and monitor their efficiency and productivity.

  • Undertake inspections

    Undertake safety inspections in areas of concern to identify and report potential hazards or security breaches; take measures to maximise safety standards.

Optional knowledge and skills

develop agricultural production plans inspect animal welfare management cost management agricultural chemicals keep task records animal welfare provide livestock advice and guidance food safety principles inspect machinery analyse environmental data gather data manage farm supplies horticulture principles present evidence agricultural raw materials, seeds and animal feed products assess environmental impact perform food safety checks collect weather-related data monitor crops manage maintenance operations budgetary principles agricultural equipment provide advice to farmers quality criteria for storage facilities european pesticide legislation conduct field work advise on soil and water protection check payment

Source: Sisyphus ODB